商业中使用mysql的合法性 回首页 销售的软件产品中准备将oracle/sun持有的mysql集成进去, 对于合法性需要做一些了解. 在了解模糊而非绝对清晰的情况下, 可以对Oracle公司采取这样的咨询方式: 让律师拟一份律师函通过专项邮政服务送达至Oracle公司, 其法务人员必须代表公司回应(回函). 此方法比向Oracle公司的销售代表、客服求证更加有凭有据(法律意义上的凭据)。 一、英文原文: Commercial License for OEMs, ISVs and VARs 地址: http://www.mysql.com/about/legal/licensing/oem/内容查看>>><<<隐藏Commercial License for OEMs, ISVs and VARs Updated July, 2010 MySQL Commercial License for OEMs, ISVs and VARs Oracle provides its MySQL database server and MySQL Client Libraries under a dual license model designed to meet the development and distribution needs of both commercial distributors (such as OEMs, ISVs and VARs) and open source projects. For OEMs, ISVs, VARs and Other Distributors of Commercial Applications: OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers), ISVs (Independent Software Vendors), VARs (Value Added Resellers) and other distributors that combine and distribute commercially licensed software with MySQL software and do not wish to distribute the source code for the commercially licensed software under version 2 of the GNU General Public License (the "GPL") must enter into a commercial license agreement with Oracle. For Open Source Projects and Other Developers of Open Source Applications: For developers of Free Open Source Software ("FOSS") applications under the GPL that want to combine and distribute those FOSS applications with MySQL software, Oracle’s MySQL open source software licensed under the GPL is the best option. For developers and distributors of open source software under a FOSS license other than the GPL, Oracle makes its GPL-licensed MySQL Client Libraries available under a FOSS Exception that enables use of the those MySQL Client Libraries under certain conditions without causing the entire derivative work to be subject to the GPL. FAQ Q1: As a commercial OEM, ISV or VAR, I have basic questions about the GPL. Where can I find more information? Q2: As a commercial OEM, ISV or VAR, I have questions about how to comply with the terms of the GPL. Where can I find more information? Q3: As a commercial OEM, ISV or VAR, when should I purchase a commercial license for MySQL software? Q4: What is Oracle's dual license model for MySQL software? Q5: What open source licensing options does Oracle offer for its MySQL software? Q6: What is Oracle's commercial license for MySQL software? Q7: If I have more questions, who should I contact? Q1: As a commercial OEM, ISV or VAR, I have basic questions about the GPL. Where can I find more information? A: Go to the Free Software Foundation’s website to read the GPL. The Free Software Foundation also provides a detailed FAQ on the GPL. Q2: As a commercial OEM, ISV or VAR, I have questions about how to comply with the terms of the GPL. Where can I find more information? A: Reading the GPL itself is the best place to start. Go to the Free Software Foundation's website to read the GPL. The Software Freedom Law Center has also created "A Practical Guide to GPL Compliance" with its explanation of the GPL's requirements. Q3: As a commercial OEM, ISV or VAR, when should I purchase a commercial license for MySQL software? A: OEMs, ISVs and VARs that want the benefits of embedding commercial binaries of MySQL software in their commercial applications but do not want to be subject to the GPL and do not want to release the source code for their proprietary applications should purchase a commercial license from Oracle. Purchasing a commercial license means that the GPL does not apply, and a commercial license includes the assurances that distributors typically find in commercial distribution agreements. To learn more about the benefits of embedding MySQL software under a commercial license, see: Top Reasons for ISV Product Managers Top Reasons for ISV VP Engineering ISV Customers and Case Studies Q4: What is Oracle’s dual license model for MySQL software? A: Oracle makes its MySQL database server and MySQL Client Libraries available under both the GPL and a commercial license. As a result, developers who use or distribute open source applications under the GPL can use the GPL-licensed MySQL software, and OEMs, ISVs and VARs that do not want to combine or distribute the MySQL software with their own commercial software under a GPL license can purchase a commercial license. Q5: What open source licensing options does Oracle offer for its MySQL software? A: Oracle makes its MySQL database server and MySQL Client Libraries available under the GPL for use with other GPL-licensed software and FOSS applications licensed under GPL-compatible FOSS licenses. In addition, for open source projects and developers creating and distributing open source software under certain FOSS licenses other than the GPL, Oracle makes its GPL-licensed MySQL Client Libraries available under a FOSS Exception that allows distribution of the FOSS application with the MySQL Client Libraries without causing the entire derivative work to be subject to the GPL. Q6: What is Oracle's commercial license for MySQL software? A: Oracle offers a commercial license for all of its MySQL software that is embedded in or bundled with another application. The commercial license allows OEMs, ISVs and VARs to distribute commercial binaries of MySQL software with their own commercial software without subjecting that software to the GPL and its requirement to distribute source code. Q7: If I have more questions, whom should I contact? A: For more information, please contact the MySQL OEM sales team.二、翻译: MySQL的 OEMs(原始设备制造商)、 ISVs(独立软件开发商)和 VARs(增值经销商)商业许可 内容查看>>><<<隐藏Oracle/Sun以双重许可的方式提供MySQL数据库服务器和MySQL客户端库,旨在满足开发和分销需求的商业分销商(例如 OEMs,ISVs和 VARs)和开源项目两种需求。 对于 OEMs,ISVs,VARs和其他商业应用分销商: OEMs,ISVs,VARs和其他分销商如果在分销的商业授权软件中结合了MySQL数据库,且不愿意遵循"GNU GPL V2"协议公开商业授权软件源码的,必须和Oracle/Sun公司达成商业许可协议。 对于开源项目和其他开放源码的应用开发人员: MySQL开发者想要分发这些包含Free Open Source Software ("FOSS")协议的自由开放源码软件,GPL对于遵循的FOSS应用, Oracle/Sun的MySQL GPL开源软件许可是最好的选择。 对于遵循FOSS协议而不是GPL协议的软件开发者和分销商: Oracle/Sun公司提供一个GPL许可的MySQL客户端库,其中对FOSS做了例外处理,使其在特定情况下使用这些MySQL客户端库而不会使整个衍生软件必须遵循GPL协议。 常见问题 问题 1:作为一个商业的OEM,ISV或VAR,我对 GPL有些基本问题。我在哪里可以找到更多的信息? 答:去自由软件基金会的网站看GPL协议。自由软件基金会也提供了一些详细的GPL常见问题。 问题 2:作为一个商业的OEM,ISV或VAR,我有些如何遵守 GPL条款的问题。我在哪里可以找到更多的信息? 答:开始最好读一下GPL协议。去自由软件基金会的网站看GPL协议。软件自由法律中心还创建了“GPL实用指南”对GPL协议的要求做出了解释。问题 3:作为一个商业的OEM,ISV或VAR,我应该在什么时候购买MySQL软件的商业授权? 问题3:作为一个商业的OEM,ISV或VAR,我应该在什么时候购买MySQL 软件的商业授权? 答:OEMs,ISVs和VARs想在他们的商业应用软件中嵌入MySQL软件获取商业利益,但不希望受到GPL约束,不想公开自己有专利权的产品的源代码,应该向Oracle/Sun购买商业许可证。购买商业许可证意味着GPL不适用,一个商业许可包含分销商通常能够在商业分销协议中找到的保证。 问题 4:什么是Oracle/Sun的MySQL软件的双许可模式? 答:Oracle/Sun公司在GPL和商业许可下都提供MySQL数据库服务器和MySQL客户端库。因此,遵循GPL协议的开源软件开发者和分销商可以使用GPL许可的MySQL软件,OEMs、ISVs和VARs厂商不希望受GPL协议约束去结合和分销MySQL软件的可以购买商业许可证。 问题 5:对于MySQL软件,Oracle/Sun公司提供哪些开源的许可证选择? 答:Oracle/Sun提供 MySQL数据库服务器和MySQL客户端库,对于遵循 GPL许可的其他软件提供GPL的许可证,对于FOSS许可的软件提供GPL兼容FOSS的许可证。另外,对于遵循FOSS协议而不是GPL协议的软件开发者和分销商,Oracle/Sun公司提供一个GPL许可的MySQL客户端库,其中对FOSS做了例外处理,使其在特定情况下使用这些MySQL客户端库而不会使整个衍生软件必须遵循GPL协议。 问 6:什么是Oracle/Sun给MySQL软件的商业授权? 答:Oracle/Sun公司为所有嵌入或者绑定了MySQL软件的应用提供了商业许可。这份商业授权允许OEMs、ISVs和VARs厂商分销他们含有MySQL二进制代码的商用软件而不受GPL协议的约束,不需要公开他们产品的源码。三、其它解读参考: 内容查看>>><<<隐藏GPL的精髓就是开源,和是否商用,是否收费完全没有关系。 GPL(General Public License),其实从字面上就可以理解为公共许可证,也就是说遵循GPL的软件是公共的,其实不存在什么版权问题,或者说公众都有版权,GPL提出了和版权(copyright)完全相反的概念(copyleft)。 如果你用了GPL软件,那么必须你的软件也要开源,如果你不开源,那么就不能使用该软件。 MySQL是以双授权的方式来发布MySQL。一种授权就是GPL,另一种授权就是商业授权。 MySQL分为三种产品,标准版、企业版和集群版。不谈其中具体的差异,但都是以年度订阅(subscription)的方式来卖的。 GPL协议里面写了“Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish)我们的GNU通用公共许可证决意保证你有发布自由软件的自由(如果你愿意,你可以对此项服务收取一定的费用,注意:是服务收费,而不是版权收费。)”。 GPL的原文“the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program保证你的共享和修改自由软件的自由”。可以理解为你使用开源软件并不受GPL约束,只有在你基于开源软件,修改开源软件的源码的时候才受GPL约束。MySQL作为一个开源数据库,几乎所有的用户都只是通过自己的程序去操作这个数据库,不涉及到改动源码的问题,根本不用去考虑是否要遵循GPL的问题。只有在你修改MySQL源码的情况下,才需要考虑GPL。 MySQL是一个双授权的软件,Oracle现在卖的是年度的服务(编者加注:另外主要收入来源是销售数据库维护工具),如果你只是使用MySQL而不是改写MySQL,那么在这些情况下你应该考虑购买Oracle的商业版本,一是Oracle的商用版本提供的附加组件(监控器、备份工具等)对你有价值,二是Oracle的年度技术支持是你需要的,三是各种潜规则。而不应该是你想合法的使用MySQL才去购买其商业版本。另外,如果你是基于MySQL的源码开发你自己的产品,那么你需要购买的是商业授权,而不是subscription这些商业版本。 关于MySQL的版本,从软件的使用授权角度来说,分为Community版本和Commercial版本,其中Community版本就是我们通常可以从MySQL官方网站上可以下载到的社区版,它是基于GPL协议的,只要你的应用系统遵循GPL协议而开源,或者你的应用是内部使用,没有通过分销应用软件而获利的话,或者你开发商业应用软件的研发阶段都可以完全免费的使用这个Community版本;而使用MySQL开发商业应用时,是一定要采用Commercial版本才能销售和实现盈利的,即使是你的客户下载安装的MySQL,从遵循软件使用授权协议的角度来说,也是要购买Commercial版本授权的。四、使用策略: 1.不要去更改源码. 2.产品中不要嵌入mysql数据库服务端和客户端。 3.由最终软件产品的用户或其企业的工作人员(如:网管)搭建数据库服务端和客户端,然后放入产品的对应位置,给出搭建和操作文档。 特别的:客户可以一块钱雇用一个自然人(而非销售产品的组织)来执行这些操作。 从雇用关系(合同)上而言这是客户企业的行为,应用是内部使用,没有改变源码,没有通过分销应用软件而获利,这时客户使用mysql符合GPL协议。 4.因为是由客户本人来嵌入mysql数据库服务端和客户端,mysql最好运行在独立的物理机上面,或者运行在系统的jail中。 5.提供帮助性咨询(文字,下载脚本、安装脚本),让客户自行从各种遵守GPL的源下载安装,这时客户是法律关系中的主体,他的行为符合GPL协议中自由使用的范畴。 http://mirrors.arsc.edu/centos/5.8/updates/i386/RPMS/mysql-5.0.95-1.el5_7.1.i386.rpm http://mirrors.arsc.edu/centos/5.8/updates/i386/RPMS/mysql-server-5.0.95-1.el5_7.1.i386.rpm http://mirrors.arsc.edu/centos/5.8/updates/i386/RPMS/mysql-devel-5.0.95-1.el5_7.1.i386.rpm http://usr-local-mysql-for-centos.googlecode.com/ 五、其它授权协议: FOSS License Exception 甲骨文最新公布的MySQL商业版价格表,当时Sun提供的599美元入门价,一下跳到了2000美元,而且是每一年都要收錢。![]()